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Dynasty Warrior 4

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Get the latest Dynasty Warriors 4 cheats, codes, unlockables, hints, Easter eggs, glitches, tips, tricks, hacks, downloads, hints, guides, FAQs, walkthroughs, and more for PlayStation 2 (PS2). has all you need to win every game you play!

Use the above links or scroll down see all to the PlayStation 2 cheats we have available for Dynasty Warriors 4.

Unlock Jiang Wei (Shu)

Play evry last level for every act until you getBattle of Tian Shui. Wait for Zhuge Liang totell his plan, then go kill Jiang Wei's sub-officer, but don't kill Jiang Wei, after that beat thelevel.

Dynasty Warriors 4 Development: The game Dynasty Warriors 4 Free Download developed by the Omega Force. There is a series of Dynasty Warrior. This game is also design by special quality. The game also involved in production. In this game, the audio musical system also included in this game. Summary: (Known as 'Shin Sangoku Musou 3: Empires' in Japan) Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires features 5 new stages that haven't been seen in any Dynasty Warriors title: Xi Liang, Bei Hai, Chang Sha, and Jiao Zhi. Clouds and mist envelop you in the mountaintop stage at Yong An. Protect yourself against (Known as 'Shin Sangoku Musou 3: Empires' in Japan) Dynasty Warriors 4 Empires features 5 new.

Dynasty Warriors 4: Xtreme Legends (真・三國無双3 猛将伝, Shin Sangokumusou 3 Moushouden) is a PlayStation 2 Dynasty Warriors 4 expansion developed by Omega Force and published by Koei. This expansion was released in Europe and the United States on November 4, 2003. Dynasty Warriors 4 Unlockables. Xbox Submitted by dynastywarrior. Charge Bracer. Do Caimpaign against Sun Jian level with yuan shouo forces and all you do is get into the top castle before back. Dynasty Warriors 4 is a console game through and through, but the sheer scope of its battles and some deceptive depth do raise it above many of its ported counterparts. It's hardly a gaming masterpiece, but for a bit of slashing action at a slashed price, you could definitely do a lot worse, Take the challenge. More of the same, different name.

Cao Ren: 10th Level Weapon (Roc)

Set Difficulty to hard mode. Choose the siege offan castle level. I suggest you get two playersto do this. You must quickly destroy the siegeramps that are moving to the east and west gatesand the catapaults at the south and north gates.You must quickly do this before they give up onthe castle. After all of the catapaults/siegeramps are destroyed Lu Meng will charge, Killhim. You cannot kill ANY OTHER enemy generalsbefore you Lu Meng. After Lu Meng is killed theweapon will be yours.

Dian Wei: 10th Weapon (Mad Bull)

Set difficulty to hard mode then select thebattle of Wan Castle. To get this weapon haveone player be Cao Cao and the other be Dian Wei.The person who is Cao Cao must NOT GET HIT ATALL. Dian Wei must meet with Cao Cao then defeatevery single enemy on the level until there isno other enemies remaining. Once all enemies aregone you must trigger the movie where Cao Caosays ' curses we have been trapped' then Xu Zhuwill break through a door. After that movieZhang Xiu will reappear and you should then amessage will appear that Dian Wei has recievedhis ultimate weapon Mad Bull. (REMEMBER: Cao CaoCANNOT be hit AT ALL for this to work.)

Pang Tong: Level 10 Weapon

Set Hard mode as Difficulty then choose Battle ofLuo Castle. To get his weapon you must firstdecline the duel from Zhang Ren then lure himover the southern bridge and then destroy it.After that kill Zhang Ren and the weapon is yours.

Lu Bu: Guan Du Level Appearance

This must be dome in Musou mode. Get to the levelat Xi Pi as Cao Cao forces Destroy the carriagethat will make Yaun Shu appear as a ally for LuBu. Do not kill Diao Chan, but make all Lu Bu'smen surrender and kill the general at the top,because he will not surrender. After all that isdone, Lu Bu will retreat with Diao Chan. Then, goto Guan Du and Lu Bu will appear. He mostlyappears when you destroy the Wen Chou compound.Note: If you kill Lu Bu, Yuan Shoa's morale willdrop massively, allowing you easy victory.

Riding On A Horse

When you are by a horse press X to get on the horse (it doesn't matter which horse it is) (if is doesn't work, keep trying. I did it my self) (If you have a problem, then please comment on this cheat code).

Wu Tales 5: Guan Yu God Of War

In Chapter four, skip the battle of Xia Kuo. *NOTE If the Fall of Wu is Chapter 5, then in the Battle of Yi Ling clear the stage without defeating Guan Yu.

Shu Tales 5: Battle Of Tian Sui

When you reach Chapter Three skip the battle of Bo Wan Po (you may complete the battle of Chang Ban) then move on to Chi Bi and make sure the fire attack fails. You can do this by defeating Zhuge Liang and Huang Gai, or you can defeat Cao Cao before they have a chance to succeed.

Shadow Rider Saddle

Play the Battle At Tong Gate level as the Shuforces. First, defeat the four generals in thebottom right corner, then defeat Xu Huang'ssub-officer and then Xu Huang. Defeat Cao Cao'stwo sub-generals, then wait for Han Sui to meetwith Cao Cao. After that, fight Cao Cao'smen until his morale is one star. Wait for bothof the following things to happen: anintermission sequence showing some of Cao Cao'smenfinding lots of horses; and Han Sui decliningdefection where he says 'Ma Chao is like a son tome'. The special item will then appear nearthe bottom right enemy Gate Captain. (note worksbetter with 2 players)

Zhou Tai Level 10 Weapon

To obtain Zhou Tai's level 10 weapon, Dusk, playhis legend under hard difficult setting.When the level starts, go right to the castlethat Sun Quan is in, and defeat the guardcaptain that is blocking the door. When you do,the doors will open, then run straight to SunQuan, and trigger the 'Talk to Sun Quan event'by going to him.Once you do, a message will appear saying thatZhou Tai has gained the ultimate weapon Dusk.

Power Rune

To obtain the power rune, play Zhuge Liang'slegend under any setting, and do exactly what ittells you.Example, if it tells you to defeat Yue Ying,defeat her right away!

Storm Harness

To obtain the Storm harness, play Dong Zhuo'slegend under any setting.Kill Yuan Shao when he appears.The message saying that a valuable item has beendiscovered will appear, and it will be at theNortheast corner of the map.

Zhou Tai Level 10 Weapon

Do Zhou Tai's legend under hard mode.Go straight to the castle when the level starts,and defeat the guard captain that is guardingthe castle doors. Once you defeat him, thecastle doors will open, and you will need to runstraight to Sun Quan, and then a video shouldcome up where he talks to you. After that, amessage should appear that says,'Zhou Tai hasgained the ultimate weapon Dusk'

Storm Runner

To obtain storm runner, play Lu Bu's musou orfree mode in campaign against Cao Cao. Go southfrom your starting point and kill Cao Zhang.After doing so, the enemy will ambush you.Destroy Xu Huang(ambush party leader)and headsouth of the battlement. Go to the area on theleft and the other enemy ambush party will fleebecause you've spoiled their ambush. Once youspoil the ambush, go to the center of thebattlement and eliminate the officer there. Thenorth battlement gate should open. Then headsouth and kill the officer in front of Cao Cao'sfortress and its gates should open. Go into thefortress and defeat Dian Wei. The doors willclose and Xiahou Dun will ambush your forces inthe northwest. Defeat the gaurd captain in thefortress and hurry towards Xiahou Dun'sunit.Defeat Xiahou Dun and a valuable item willbe discovered in Cao Cao's fortress. Its aroundthe area where Cao Cao is sitting. Take the itemand defeat Cao Cao.

Fire Arrows

First, you must get the level 'Unification ofJing'. All you must do to get this level is playWu Musou Mode once allthe way though. Then playagain but in act 3 play Campaign for Jing first.After you beat it it will be Wu tales. SelectUnification of Jing. Once you start the leveldefeat Wang Lang's sub officer and a supply teamwill appear. Defeat the supply captain for theitem, then beat the level.

Power Scroll

Never lose weapon deadlocks. Play the YellowTurban Fortress on the Yellow Turbans side (freemode/easy). Defeat Sun Jian, Cao Cao, and LiuBei. The Supply Captain will appear at the NorthEast gate. Defeat the Supply Captain to receivethe item box.

Rapier Level 10

Play the Yellow Turban Menance level on hard. Youmust have a Level 9 rapier. Defeat the officerson the west and east sides of the castle thendefeat the officer that ambushes in the castlethen defeat the officer that ambushes at thenorth gate of the castle. After doing this youshould get the level 10 Rapier

Sun Quan Level 10 Weapon (Master Wolf)

Play the Battle of He Fei on the hard difficultlysetting on the Wu side. Wait until Zhang Liaolures Sun Jian across the bridge and destroys it.After Zhang Liao disappears wait till hereappears near Sun Jian and then kill him. Thisshould give you Sun Quan's level 10 Weapon. It'sok to defeat other officers before killing ZhangLiao.

Xu Huang: 10th Level Weapon (Marauder)

Select hard mode difficulty. Choose battle ofGuan Du. All you must do is let the the ramsdestroy the walls of Guan Du. After the wallsfall you must destroy Wu Chao supply depot.After Wu Chao is destroyed the weapon will beyours.(I suggest that you dont kill any enemygenerals that way the rams will be betterprotected and wont be destroyed.)

Sima Yi: 10th Weapon (Dark Feather)

Set difficulty to hard mode and choose Wu ZhangPlains as the level. All you must do is defeatWei Yan, Jiang Wei, and Ma Chao. The catch isSima Yi must kill them no one else. After theyare all defeated a message will flash across thescreen that Sima Yi has obtained his ultimateweapon 'Dark Feather'. (I recommend having Lu Buas the second player to help weaken them so SimaYi can move in for the quick kill.)

Dong Zhuo: Level 10 Weapon (Horror)

First off you must set the difficulty to hardmode then choose the level: Lu Bu's Revolt. Allyou must do is eliminate every single enemy onthe level (including regular troops) until onlyLu Bu is left (make sure you kill ALL of histroops too). Once only Lu Bu is left he shouldsay 'For now on I walk this path alone.' Afterthat a message should appear that Dong Zhuo hasreceived his level 10 weapon Horror. Then kill LuBu and the level will end and you will have yourlevel 10 weapon for Dong Zhuo.

Wu- Tales The Mandate Of Heaven


To unlock the level 'The mandate of heaven.' Playthe level on mosou 'Hu Lao gate.' Don't play thelevel 'Shi shui gate.' Then after you beat thatlevel it will say 'Wu-tales, the mandate ofheaven.'

Taishi Ci Level10 Weapon

Go to the campaign for the Wu Territory. Defeat Yu Mi before he retreats then defeatZhang Ying.

Help At The Nanman Stage (Wu/ Shu Side)

At the begining of the stage kill Yong Kia's twosub-officers and then kill him and then Dong TuNe and that other guy near him will defect toyour side.

Easy Kills

Stay by the Gate Captain, but don't kill him.Enemies will keep running out. Kill those enemies.(Again, don't kill the Gate Captain)(I haven'ttested it out myself yet, but it was told to meby a friend. I rented it, & he told me after Ibrought it back.)

Yellow Turbans/ Zhang Jiao

To unlock the Yellow Turbans Forces, simply beatevery campain. (Wei, Wu, Shu, Lu Bu, Dong Zhou,Yuan Shao, and Nanman

Unlocking Taishi Ci

Play Sun Ce in musou mode on the level with LuiYong as the comander. First defeat Taishi Ci,then a scene appears were Sun Ce says 'Make a newworld with me.' Then finish the level and he willbe unlocked.

Zhang Zhaos Force

This trick will take quite a long time, but isworth it. Before facing Lu Bu, charge up yourMusou. Then, charge towards him (from behind, ifpossible). Use your Musou on him. After he is onthe ground, use this chance to run away. Chargeup your Musou again and return to attack him.Your Musou could be more powerful when your lifebar is red. This will set Lu Bu on fire.

Easy Stats And Experience

If you have a strong character capable ofcompleting levels with a difficulty rating ofabout six or more and you need upgrading, go tothe Mt. Ding Jun level. Fight for the Shu side.Once in the level, fight your way towards XiahouYuan and Zhang He. If you defeat Xiahou Yuan, hewill give you +4 attack and 1228 weaponexperience points. Zhang He will give you +4defense and a little less experience points. Ifyour character is not strong enough to battle atMt.Ding Jun, select the Battle of Guan Du leveland fight for Wei. There are many officers andZhang He, Liu Bei, and Zhang Fei all drop +2power-ups.Go to the Unification Of Jiang Dong level in theWu Territory under the medium difficulty setting.All generals and their officers give a minimum of+2 to attack/defence, and the rest give +4. Thedifficulty for the level is only rated for 4 onmedium difficulty. Weapon experience is not veryhigh, however, and you will only acquire about3000 weapon experience points (more if you jugglethe Named Ones).


You do not have to do anything special in orderto get an Orb. They appear randomly.For the Orb element to take effect, you must havea full Musuo bar. If your character has a level10 weapon, then a full Musuo bar is not required.Play the Yellow Turban Fortress level on the Hanside. Once you start, there will be two forts(left and right). Go to the left fort and defeatthe officer outside the gate to get the gateopen. Once inside, go to the bottom left corner.A crate should be there, near a fence. Open it,and an item that should be an Orb will appear. Tohelp you get these Orbs easier, equip the SevenStar Luck.

Typhoon (Edit Officer Level 10 Spear)

First, you must have an Edit Officer with a level9 spear. Then, go to the Si Shue Gate level. Killonly officers that are not in one of the twofortress. Once Sun Jian retreats and Yuan Shaosays 'Is there no one who can defeat Hua Xiong?',defeat Hua Xiong. Next, go into the main fortressand kill the main general's two sub-officers.After awhile, Zhang Liao will appear as backupfor the enemy. Kill Zhang Liao then go into thesupply depot (the fortress nearest to your maincamp) from the back entrance and kill theofficers in there. Then, defeat all other enemygenerals besides the main commander. Next, afterall officers are gone, defeat the commander. Ifyour weapon was level 9, it should now upgrade tolevel 10, Typhoon.Play under the hard difficulty setting using acreated officer with a level 10 spear. When thelevel starts, go south, and kill (in order): LiSu, Gao Shun, and Niou Fu, Then, wait for SunJian to retreat, and for Hua Xiong to charge.When Yuan Shao says 'Are there no warriors herethat can defeat Hua Xiong?', go forward and fightHua Xiong. Killing his sub-officers is notnecessary. Then, go past where Hua Xiong waslocated and kill Li Jue's two sub officers, LiMeng, and Yang Feng. After defeating those twoopponents, wait for Zhang Liao to appear anddefeat him. After defeating him, go north, pastwhere Li Jue is located, up to the back entranceof the enemy supply depot. Defeat Wang Fang andFan Chou. After this, you should get a messagethat reads '…has obtained the Ultimate WeaponTyphoon.' Then, just finish the level.

Fu Xi (Edit Officer Level 10 Sword)

To get the 10th level great sword, play theYellow Turban Rebellion level in the Ji Province.When the stage starts, move out and defeat PeiYuanshao, Zhang Man Cheng, Zhang Bao, ZhangLiang, Zhang Bo, and Cheng Yuanzi in that order.You need to be maximum class and have the level 9Holy Avenger.

Red Hare Saddle

At the Battle Of Xia Pi level, while on Lu Bu'sforces, do not kill any enemy officers. You cankill peons, it is recommended that you not dothis until you have gotten the item. Let Guan Yufind the Red Hare, then defeat Guan Yu. He hashigh attack and high defense. To do this easier,play in two player mode. Use the second player todefend Lu Bu. When Guan Yu finds the Red Hare, goand kill him. This way you do not have to worryabout Lu Bu dying.

Shadow Rider Saddle

Play the Battle At Tong Gate level as the Shuforces. First, defeat the four generals in thebottom right corner, then defeat Xu Huang's sub-officer and then Xu Huang. Defeat Cao Cao's twosub-generals, then wait for Han Sui to meet withCao Cao. After that, fight Cao Cao's men untilhis morale is one star. Wait for both of thefollowing things to happen: an intermissionsequence showing some of Cao Cao's men findinglots of horses; and Han Sui declining defectionwhere he says 'Ma Chao is like a son to me'. Thespecial item will then appear near the bottomright enemy Gate Captain.

Survival Guide

In order to get Survival Guide, you need to havethe two Qiaos. To do this, use Wu and completethe Yellow Turban Fortress and Yellow TurbanRebellion. Then, go to Xiao Qiao save her and hersister, Da Qiao. The 'A valuable item hasappeared' message will appear. Then, complete themission.

The Way Of Musou

First, get Guan Yu's Escape for Wei. Do this bychooseing Yellow Turban Rebellion first in Act 1,then in Act 2, clear both stages. After theBattle of Guan Du in Act 3, it will be Wei Tales,Guan Yu's Escape. When at Guan Yu's Escape, equipthe Red Hare saddle, if available. Pass the fifthgate and a Supply Team will appear around thefourth gate. Dart back, kill the Supply Team, andget the item he drops. Forget about Guan Yu andall the other generals when you get the item, andfocus on the Carriage. It is somewhat easy todefeat.

Wind Scroll

To get the Wind Scroll (which boosts your weaponrange), play the Battle of Xu Chang level as theShu Forces. When Yue Ying begins to set up theSiege Ramp, protect her. However, you also haveto kill Xu Zhu before your rear flank dies. Note:The Red Hare is recommended. Kill the peoplearound Hu Zhi, and him if desired. Find and killMan Chong. You do not have to kill Man Chong andHu Zhi, but it is recommended. The Siege Rampwill appear. Find and kill Xu Zhu before theFlank dies. There will be a precious item report.The item will appear around the top of map,slightly off center. If that was too long to do,just make sure Yue Ying sets up the ramp and thatyou kill Xu Zhu before the rear flank dies.

Eclipse (Edit Officer Pike)

Play the Hu Lao Gate level on the allies sideunder the hard difficulty setting. You must havea level 9 Star Pike. Defeat Lu Bu to get theweapon. You can get this weapon in Free Mode.

Phoenix Tail (Edit Officer Sword)

At the Yellow Turban Fortress, as the AlliedForces under the hard difficulty setting, Killthe following in order: He Yi, Pei Yaun Shao, andChen Yaunzhi. You must complete killing them inunder six minutes. The weapon should have +54attack power and at level 9.

Hex Mark Saddle

Win all the Musou modes until you get the YellowTurban Musou mode. Choose the Yellow Turban FortAttack level. Win it, then choose the Liu Beiinvasion battle. Defeat Zhou Yun and Guan Yubefore all the backup troops arrive. Then, defeatall other enemy generals (to ensure Zhang Jiao'ssafety). Bring Liu Bei's health down to abouthalf and the special item report should appear onthe little island on the lower right corner ofthe level.

Zhang Fei: Level 10 Weapon

Play the Battle At Chang Ban Bridge level underthe hard difficulty setting. Defeat Xiahou Dun,Xiahou En, and Xiahou Ye to keep Zhao Yun alive.Accompany Liu Bei down the path across thebridge. The Chang Ban Bridge yell event withenemies in the bridge will occur. J A Do is leftin the castle. A message will appear, Rescue him;go on a horse to get there fast. An event where JA Do defeats Xiohou Yaun will happen. Zhao Yunmust still be alive. The weapon message willappear.

Zhang He: Level 10 Weapon

On the Battle Of Jie Ting level under the harddifficulty setting, surround Ma Su and defeathim. Then, defeat all enemy generals and sub-generals.

Zhang Liao: Level 10 Weapon

In Lu Bu Musou mode, play the Battle At Si ShuiGate under the hard difficulty setting as ZhangLiao with your level 9 weapon. Defeat Sun Jian,Cao Cao, and Liu Bei, then complete the level.Then on Hu Lao Gate, do not defeat any enemygenerals until the enemy's fire attack event. Toactivate it, go directly towards Sun Jian, CaoCao, or Liu Bei and it will commence. Then,defeat Sun Jian, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei.

Yuan Shao: Level 10 Weapon

Play the Battle Of Guan Du level under the harddifficulty setting as Yuan Shao. Protect theramming vehicle until the castle wall falls. Youwill then get the Sword Of Kings.

Qiao Sisters

In order to get the Qiao Sisters, clear the WuMusou mode once. Then play it again, but play theYellow Turban Fort Attack level first, then theYellow Turban Rebellion level.

Sun Jian: Level 10 Weapon

Play the Search For The Imperial Seal level underthe hard difficulty setting with Sun Jian. Youmust defeat Li Jue, Zhang Liao, Diao Chan, and LuBu. Finish the level with Sun Jian's level 9weapon to get his level 10 weapon.

Meng Huo: Level 10 Weapon

Play the Battle Of Cheng Du level under the harddifficulty setting as Meng Huo on the NanmanForces. Kill every character that is playable.Note: Make sure you personally kill the characterand have his level weapon. You will get his level10 weapon, King Of Beast.

Dynasty Warriors 4 Rom

Meng Huo And Zhu Rong

Note: You must be in Musou mode. Defeat Meng Huoseven Times throughout the stage. At least onedefeat must be a duel. Also, duel and defeat ZhuRong. Complete Musou mode and Meng Huo and ZhuRong will be unlocked.

Lu Bu: Level 10 Weapon

Play the Lu Bu Rebellion level. Clear the entirestage of every enemy so that only Dong Zhuoremains alive. Be sure to kill every general andsub-general yourself. Lu Bu will earn his Level10 weapon. Note: If the weapon does not appearafter only Dong Zhuo is alive, move around themap awhile. There may still be ambush troops youdid not encounter.

Lu Xun: Level 10 Weapon

On the Battle of Yi Ling level under the harddifficulty setting, protect and keep Zhu Ranalive until he successfully triggers the fireattack. Enter stone maze, and pass through it.

Ma Chao: Level 10 Weapon

In the Chen Du Suppression level go to the leftside of the map to trigger the appearance ofenemy back-up troops. Kill the enemy back-uptroop generals Pang De and Ma Dai. Note: This canonly be done in Musou mode, because the generalswill be Ma Chao and Ma Dai in free mode.

Liu Bei: Level 10 Weapon

In the Battle of Ru Nan under the hard difficultysetting, meet with Zhao Yun after he appears onthe map (about ten to twenty seconds into thegame at the bottom right horizontal path). Afterthe Zhao Yun swears allegiance event, defeat LiDian, and join with Zhang Fei. At the Xiahou Yuanappearance, defeat Xiahou Yuan before Guan Yuappears (about 4:30 to 5:30 into the game),defeat Yu Jin, defeat Xu Chu. At the Xiahou Dunappearance, defeat Xiahou Dun, defeat Zhang He,and defeat Yue Jin. Note: Other than defeating LiDian after meeting with Zhao Yun and defeatingXiahou Yuan before Guan Yu appears, all otherenemy generals can be defeated in any order.

Lu Bu

Play in Musou mode as Xiaouh Dun. On the Hu LaoGate level, defeat Lu Bu.

Huang Zhong: Level 10 Weapon

On the Battle Of Jian Ye level under the harddifficulty setting, before defeating the real SunJian, defeat Huang Gai, Taishi Ci or Zhou Tai.Next generation Suns attack event, defeat Sun Ce,Sun Quan and Sun Shang Xiang in any order

Zhao Yun: Level 10 Weapon

Play the Battle Of Bo Wang Po level. Follow ZhugeLiang's instructions. First, lead Xiahou Dun tothe designated fire attack spot in the middlepath of the map left area. After the fire attackevent, defeat Xiahou Dun. The Han Hao attackmessage will appear. Zhuge Liang next tells youto lead Han Hao to the designated ambush spot inthe top path of the map left area. Guan Pingambush troops will appear. Defeat Han Hao. AtZhuge Liang's next instruction message, lead YuJin to the designated ambush spot on the upperbridge. Guan Yu's ambush troop will appear.Defeat Yu Jin, Zhuge Liang. Order Zhang Fei tofire attack on enemy food supply. After the fireattack is successful, clear the path of enemiesfor Zhuge Liang to enter the enemy castle. TheZhuge Liang meeting Cao Cao event will appear.Zhao Yun earns his Level 10 Weapon. If after youhave cleared all enemy generals and soldiersexcept Cao Cao, and Zhuge Liang stands in frontof the enemy castle but will not enter, you canlead Cao Cao to follow you out of the castle tomeet with Zhuge Liang.

Zhou Tai: Level 10 Weapon (Dusk)

To get Zhou Tai's weapon, Dusk, play under thehard difficulty setting. Zhou Tai must have theweapon Dawn, at level 9. Go to the NanmanCampaign, and play on the Wu Forces. Using theRed Hare for this is recommended. Ride down andkill Wu Tugu, then get into Meng Huo's castlebefore Ahui Nan and Dong Tu Ne defect to the Wuside.

Zhou Yu: Level 10 Weapon

Play the Battle For Fan Castle level. At 10:20.00into the battle, the enemy Supply Team willappear at the top right corner of the map andmove towards the castle's right entrance. Defeatthe Supply Team Captain before the Supply Teamreaches the castle

Zhuge Liang: Level 10 Weapon

First, clear the Battle Of Jie Ting level, thenchoose the Battle Of Wu Zhang Plains level. Go tothe left path and approach Zhang He. After theconsecutive arrow vehicle event, defeat Zhang He.Approach the enemy base, and start the enrageSima Yi event. A Supply Troop appearance messagewill appear. Backtrack and defeat Xiahou Dun toprotect the Supply Troop. The 'Supply Troop brokethrough battle lines and reached the ally base'message will appear. Note: This weapon can onlybe earned in Musou Mode. If you do not clear theBattle Of Jie Ting level first, there will be noSupply Troop appearance.

Art Of War Scroll

Follow the exact procedure to get the ChargeBracer, but with Dong Zhou's campaign at theCampaign against Sun Jian. Kill the generalsuntil the Supply Captain appears, then kill himto get the item.

Charge Bracer

Play the Sun Jian Invasion Battle level on YuanShao's side. Enter the castle at the top beforethe enemy backup troops arrive. A supply teamwill appear to the south of the castle. TheSupply Team will not stop to attack you; theywill just keep running. Defeat the Supply Captainto get it.

Elephant Saddle

Play the Nanman Campaign level as the Nanmanforces. In order to get the item, you must get onan elephant and ride into the enemy's main base.The special item message will appear in your mainfort. The best way to get an elephant is to playas Huang Gai and use his attack where he lays abomb. Lay it near one of your elephant units andthe rider will fall off.

Guan Yu: Level 10 Weapon

Kill all the Wu generals at the Fan Castle levelunder the hard difficulty setting. Make sure thatall your soldiers switch sides before you killthe Wu generals.

Huang Gai: Level 10 Weapon

On the Battle Of Chi Bi level under the harddifficulty setting, eliminate all enemy entrypoints before the fire attack, then defeat CaoRen, Cao Hong and Cao Pi.

Opening Edit Option

Unlock all 42 generals in the game to also unlockthe 'Opening Edit' option.

Cao Cao: Level 10 Weapon

Play the Battle Of Chi Bi level under the harddifficulty setting with Cao Cao. First, approachPang Tong to see through his trick, then defeatZhuge Liang to stop the wind prayer. Next, defeatGan Ning and Lu Meng to trigger the all outattack. Then, defeat Huang Gai to stop the fireattack. Finish the level with your level 9 Swordof Heaven to get Cao Cao's level 10 sword.

Dian Wei: Level 10 Weapon

Play the Battle Of Wan Castle level. Defeat HuChe Er, then join with Cao Cao. After the Cao Caoconversation with Dian Wei event, deplete abouthalf of Zhang Xiu's HP and he will retreat. Afterthe castle gate closes, clear the map of enemiesfor Cao Cao to advance. After Cao Cao reaches thedead end, two fire blocking exit messages willappear. After the Xu Chu breaks through wallevent, Dian Wei earns his Level 10 Weapon.

Wei Yan: Level 10 Weapon

On the Jing Zhou Strategic Battle level under thehard difficulty setting, defeat the enemy ambushtroop general Xing Dao Rong, defeat Liu Du andLiu Xian, do not defeat Jin Xuan (decline theduel), and defeat Han Xuan's sub-general YangLing. After Huang Zhong exit castle and attackmessage, defeat Huang Zhong, Wei Yan and HuangZhong defect event.

Xiahou Dun: Level 10 Weapon

On the Battle of Xia Pi level under the harddifficulty setting, after the Xiahou Dun shot byan arrow event, defeat Diao Chan.

Start/Select Hint

If you want to exit out of a level and go back tothe main menu, hit Start and Select at the sametime and you will be transported back to the mainmenu.

Counter Atack!!

During 'Guard Mode' (holding L1) before the enemyattacks you. Press the triangle (without lettinggo of L1) and it should counter back the enemy'sattck. This skill needs a lot of practice to workefficiently. Once you have mastered this skillyou will have a greater chance of winning in aduel with a powerful warrior such as 'Lubu'.(Musou(s) are uncounterable.)

Liu Bies Child

In the stage of Chang Ban there should be a hugecastle in the middle of the stage. If you clearthe castle of all officers Exit the castle whenyou exit though the game will announce that LiuBies child is still in the castle. Go to yourhistory and it will tell you the location of thechild (he's in a big red box). Once you get thechild he gives you mousu full for 60 seconds!

Complete Gaiden Stage

You have three choices: 1. Don't defeat Dong Zhuo, let him find the seal anddefeat him before he escapes. 2. Defeat everyone quickly and smash open all 100boxes in this stage which includes the red boxes. 3. Defeat everyone quickly andwait till 27 minutes has passed at which time a soldier will tell you the reallocation of the seal.

Bug At Yellow Turban Rebellion - Walk On Air (JP Version)

Character - a high jumper such as Zhang He. Equip - Fly Boots. At the top leftarea of the map is the fort with all the explosions. At the top right within thatfort is a broken building with a different color as all the other brokenbuildings, this one is light brown. Try to jump up the broken walls of the brokenbuilding and you will land in mid-air.

Bug At Battle Of Yi Ling - Walk In Water (JP Version) Side - Wu Side.

Character - Lu Xun. Must be equipped with a horse saddle. Immediately after youclick on Stage Start, press and hold Up on the directional button. Don't pressany other buttons, and just keep the Up pressed even after the battle starts, andLu Xun will run into the water.

Bug At Battle Of Chang Ban - Walk In Wall (JP Version)

From the top right entrance of the castle, go toward map bottom left, there willbe a walled area containing two houses. Take a careful look at the top rightentrance of that walled area, you can enter the walls from there.

Hidden Preview

Pressing Triangle at the movie selection screen to view a preview of DynastyTactics 2. Note: This game is titled San Goku Shi Senki 2 in Japan.

Avoid Attack During Duel

During a duel, stand against the border fence, and aim your arrow towards theoutside of the duel area. This will prevent you from getting attacked. Use whenhealth is low.

We have no cheats or codes for Dynasty Warriors 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Power Scroll

At the Yellow Turban Fortress on Yellow Turbans Force, defeat Guan Yu and Zhao Yun. A supply team will appear to the northwest and move to the northeast for the entry point. Defeat the supply team to get the item.

Wu Tales 6: Dong Zhuo Lives!

In Chapter three, choose the Unification of Jiang Dong first. In Chapter four. Skip the battle of Defense of Nanman.

Shu Tales 4: Battle Of Tong Gate

Choose the Campaign for Cheng Du as your first stage in Chapter 4 and defeat Ma Chao when he arrives with reinforcements. *NOTE Pang De will arrive instead if you already have Ma Chao which means defeat Pang De.

Unlocking Yuan Shao

In order to unlock Yuan Shao, you must complete Cao Cao's musuo mode.

Unlocking Diao Chan

In order to unlock Diao Chan, in Lu Bu's musuo mode, clear chapter one.

Unlocking Dong Zhuo

Dynasty Warriors 4 Characters

In order to unlock Dong Zhuo you will have to beat Lu Bu's musuo mode.

Unlocking Jiang Wei

In the Shu Tales Stage, Battle of Tian Shui simply defeat the enemy officers outside the castles, then follow Zhuge Liangs' orders and when Jiang Wei's two sub officers come out defeat them both and when Jiang Wei launches out the castle go near him and Zhuge Liang, then a cut-scene will show of Jiang Wei surrendering. Beat the mission and Jiang Wei will be unlocked.

Unlocking Ma Chao

Dynasty Warriors 4 Ps4

In order to unlock Ma Chao, in the Cheng Du Supression level you have to defeat defeat Ma Chao when he arrives and then it will show a video of Liu Bei telling Ma Chao to join his side. Beat the mission and you will have Ma Chao. *NOTE This only can be done in musuo mode only on Shu Forces.

We have no easter eggs for Dynasty Warriors 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

We have no glitches for Dynasty Warriors 4 yet. If you have any unlockables please submit them.

Created by: Omnislash Cloud.Read the full guide...

Created by: gamemaster64.Read the full guide...

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